Friday, January 14, 2011

The First Years .....

Why does time go so fast when you don't want it to and so slow when you wished it flew by?  Maybe to make us appreciate each new day a little more and to remind us to "take time!"

That first year FLEW, as anyone with children knows.  I cherished each day I had with my newborn daughter .... even the 3 AM feedings!!  I was fortunate enough for that 1st year to be able to stay at home and enjoy her and not work.  That was a great blessing!  

Also, during that 1st yr. (and a few months) I lost 140 lbs!!!  I was bound and determined to be a physically fit Mother so I could play with Emily at the park and ride my bike around with her behind me on the baby seat .... little did I know what was to come (more on that in another blog).

A month before her 1st birthday I did go to work ..... 1st at Byrne Dairy (for a yr) then to Green Diamond Tires as their Office Manager (for 6 months) then to Chemung Canal Trust Company (for a yr).

I hated having to put Emily in DayCare .... someone else is going to "raise" my child?  Ugh!  I fully understand Mothers' issues with leaving their child(ren) with basically a complete stranger and entrusting them not to leave any permanent damage to their child(ren)!  

It wasn't till Emily was 2 that she had to go into DayCare because I worked nights at Bryne Dairy so Don would be home by the time I had to leave, thank God!  

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not slamming DayCare providers .... afterall I now am one ..... there are some really great programs out there but there are also some really bad ones.  To find a really great one you have to do your homework ..... ask around, get referrals!!   Or just bring your children to my house!!  =)


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