Thursday, April 14, 2011

I got to thinking the other day ..... Emily will be 8 in a few short months.  That means we are 1 yr from being 1/2 through her school-age years (aside from college).  Where did the time go?  I blinked and she went from playing with blocks on the living room carpet to making sure her hair is "just right."

You hear it said very often, cherish each day because soon your children will be grown.  How many of us actually take that to heart?  We lead busy lives filled with appointments, meetings, work, household duties, wife/husband responsiblities, church committments, friends, extended family, illnesses .... the list goes on and on.  I often times feel overwhelmed with all the demands placed on me (often demands I place on myself).

Once in a while (more often than that but who has time) it is VERY important to sit back and relax and evaluate just exacting where you are and where you'd like to be.  And figure out, if you're not where you want to be, how to get there!  This doesn't have to come in the form of having to get away for a wkend or anything .... just take time during naptime one day and SIT .... wait on the Lord .... dive into His word and see what He says about your crazy, busy lifestyle.  And if it's not "naptime" for you because your children are older then maybe you need to head off to the peacefulness of the library some Saturday morning or Barnes & Nobles' coffee shop some evening. 

To be better for your family you need to make time for YOU!!  God can & will help you through all the hussle and bussle of life's chaotic times but you have to have times where you allow yourself to run in low-gear too!!

God bless your day friends!

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